Free Downloads
This page has links to resources that you can download free of charge to help you make progress in your quest for a happier and healthier mental well-being.
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FREE DOWNLOADS - click on the name below to view, download or print
- My Mental Jungle - a semi autobiographical book on how my mind evolved
- How to make a good decision - a strategy for making a good decision
- Just Listen to me! - a guide to giving and receiving a good listening
- Just Listen to your children! -an approach to helping children develop a healthy personality
- Emotional Intelligence for parents - an approached to teaching your children emotional intelligence
- Taking the mystery out of mental health - a logical approach to understanding and managing mental health
- Is mental health a product of nurture? - an exploration of the role of parenting in the development of healthy mental well-being
- The Art of Co-Parenting - is co-parenting essential to bringing up children in a consistent and growthful environment?
- Are you parenting to be loved? - what is your real purpose for parenting?
- Harmonious Relationships - we are all capable of creating harmonious relationships when we understand the principles..
- Recovering our autonomy - how we can recover the three capacities of autonomy - our awareness, authencity and intimacy,
- Roles and Rules of the Drama Triangle - how the drama triangle influences our relationships,
- In search of harmony - a series of ideas to promote harmony in relationships,
- Unconditional Love - achieving a balance of unconditional love versus conditional love,
- Psychotherapy and Associative Intelligence - How Psychotherapy and Associative Intelligence can helps us change,
- Spiritual Intelligence - The ability to think and behave free of bodily, cultural and environmental obligations.
- Advanced Facilitation - a new approach to helping indivduals and groups make better decisions in difficult situations